[Nhcoll-l] Longevity and suitability of styrene plastic containers for dry storage of mollusc shells

Grove, Simon (DEDTA) Simon.Grove at tmag.tas.gov.au
Tue Apr 8 20:46:18 EDT 2014


I am looking for a long-term storage solution for some of our medium-sized dry mollusc shells.  For samples of smaller shells of a given species, I am happy with soda-glass vials lined up on their sides, in accession-number order, in unit-trays which are themselves arranged in taxonomic order in drawers with glass lids.  But there are often samples of shells of the same species that are too large to fit in these soda-glass vials; and there are of course many other species for which none of the shells are small enough for these vials.  I would like to keep these in the same collection drawers as the smaller shells, and preferably in the same unit-trays.  Currently they are in card boxes, but this makes viewing the shells fiddly and I am concerned about the fact that the card is not acid-free.

I am trialling some styrene plastic containers - essentially oversize vials - that physically do the job well and are affordable in bulk.  But I am not sure whether it is appropriate to use styrene as a long-term storage medium for shells.  Is anyone able to advise on its longevity or other issues with using styrene?  And if it's not a suitable medium, can anyone suggest some alternative, affordable options?


Simon Grove

Dr Simon Grove
Senior Curator, Invertebrate Zoology
Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery
GPO Box 1164, Hobart 7001 / 5 Winkleigh Place , Rosny 7018

Phone 61 3 6211 4124
Personal mobile (not paid by TMAG) 0428 958509



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