[Nhcoll-l] Advice about possible museum loans

Nancy Glover McCartney nmccartn at uark.edu
Tue Dec 16 14:39:58 EST 2014

I have been asked to loan the some  unique specimens for a year-long exhibit that would  1)be very professionally produced and 2) would do a great deal to publicize the fact that the our collections still exist after the closing of our exhibit gallery ten years ago.   The other museum has had extensive experience with fur, feathers, etc in clothing items, but I wonder if this knowledge applies to whole mounts.  The other museum wants: passenger pigeon (2), platypus skeleton and whole mount, elephant bird egg.  As you can imagine, these specimens have not traveled anywhere much, and are closely guarded here.

My question is, what exhibit criteria would be necessary to safely and securely let them leave?  They will be packed and transported by a professional moving company used to packing fine art (but do they know about animals?).  I need a good check list before I send these out of their Viking cases into the cold cold world.  And, of course, by the end of this week the other museum needs permission to use the specimens in order to meet  schedules.

Many thanks at this busy time of year.


Nancy Glover McCartney, PhD
Curator of Zoology
UA Collections Facility
University of Arkansas
2435 Hatch
Fayetteville AR 72701

Phone: 479-575-4370
Fax: 479-575-7464

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