[Nhcoll-l] University & Jepson Herbaria New Public Portal

Andrew S. Doran andrewdoran at berkeley.edu
Tue Jul 1 18:01:05 EDT 2014

The University & Jepson Herbaria have a new search portal that now includes
all taxa (algae, mosses, etc.) and specimens that have been databased
outside California at:


This is a gateway to data and images of herbarium specimens of all plant
and fungal taxa from all parts of the world held at the University and
Jepson Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley. For more California
vascular plant records, visit the Consortium of California Herbaria
<http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/consortium/> for specimen data from over 30
contributing institutions. For taxonomic treatments and dichotomous keys of
California plants, see the Jepson eFlora
<http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/IJM.html> (for vascular plants), or the California
Moss eFlora <http://ucjeps.berkeley.edu/CA_moss_eflora/>.

The portal includes type specimens and images when present and searches can
be restricted to major taxa. Default search returns are in a grid view but
clicking on the full search view allows all captured fields to be viewed
(phenology, label headers, depth etc.).

Some sample searches are listed below:

A collector search for Joseph Rock
will return both algae and vascular plants. Clicking on the full tab will
let you see the complete collections data with thumbnails, maps, etc.
Searches can be restricted to major taxa by selecting them by major group.

can be searched and multiple images per specimen will be returned if there
are additional data in the packet, on the back of a specimen sheets, etc.
This includes living plant
images when collected in conjunction with specimens.

Searching for specimens by scientific name Cupressus to*
will return all Cupressus specimens with specific epithet starting with

Specimens that are georeferenced can be mapped individually by the clicking
the map link in the specimen record or the maps tab at the top of the
search by locality such as Godalming

The facets tab
can be used to rapidly narrow search results to taxon, individual
collector, counties, and states.

Type specimens
and cultivated plants
also returned with searches.

Andrew S. Doran
Assistant Director for Collections
University & Jepson Herbaria, University of California, Berkeley
1001 Valley Life Sciences Building
Berkeley, CA 94720

Office: 510-643-4344
Herbaria: 510-642-2465

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