[Nhcoll-l] SPNHC annual meeting attendees

Mireia Beas-Moix beas-moix at ccber.ucsb.edu
Wed Jul 23 13:25:18 EDT 2014

To the lucky ones who attended the SPNHC annual meeting in Cardiff:

I am looking for someone who went to the meeting last June and would be
willing to write a report about the meeting for the next issue of SPNHC
Connection (formerly known as SPNHC Newsletter!).

What do you get in exchange? A lot! The opportunity to make those who were
not able to attend the meeting green with envy and, of course, fame!

Please contact me if you are interested.

Thank you!

Mireia Beas-Moix​
SPNHC Connection editor

Mireia Beas-Moix
Collections Manager
Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration
University of California Santa Barbara
Harder South, Rm 1009
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9615

beas-moix at ccber.ucsb.edu
Office 805 893 2401
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