[Nhcoll-l] Smithsonian seeking contractor

Huddleston, Chris HUDDLESTONC at si.edu
Fri Jun 13 14:35:06 EDT 2014

The Smithsonian Institution is seeking a contractor to support the National Museum of Natural History's Biorepository by providing assistance with:

  *   Inventory of frozen samples
  *   Rehousing
  *   Application of barcode labels
  *   Sub-sampling of specimens for loans
  *   And more (see Statement of Work for details)

Desirable skills:

  *    Ability to use Excel and pivot tables
  *    Strong organization skills
  *   Familiarity with biological nomenclature or taxonomy
  *   Experience with frozen tissue samples and/or DNA

 Most work will be performed primarily at the Museum Support Center in Suitland, MD, but some work may need to be done at the Natural History Building in Washington, DC. Regular work must be performed between 8:00 – 6:00, Monday – Friday. Work cannot be performed on Federal holidays or during a government shut down.  On rare occasions, emergency work may be needed during off-hours to rescue a failing freezer.

Proposals will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. EDT, July 11, 2014. Proposals will be reviewed on the basis of best value for the money. Send proposals to Chris Huddleston via e-mail at huddlestonc at si.edu<mailto:huddlestonc at si.edu>.  Follow the format set forth in section VIII of the RFQ "Information to be submitted with quotes."

Sorry, no guidance on hourly rate/salary can be given.  There are no benefits, tax or social security withholding associated with this contract.
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