[Nhcoll-l] Geological Research Collections - Request for First-hand Accounts

Sarah Timm stimm10 at vt.edu
Wed Mar 19 09:08:19 EDT 2014

Dear Colleagues,

The products of high pressure/temperature experiments represent an enormous
investment of time and resources. Despite this, there is no consistent
process for archiving, or even preserving, these materials and many
experimental charges have been lost or destroyed. This is particularly
unfortunate because most of these experimental materials have never been
analyzed by up-to-date techniques. Even recent experimental products lack,
for example, trace element data that is now routinely collected (e.g. via
ICP-MS) on many geological samples.

This is an excerpt from the abstract for a presentation I will be giving at
Southeastern GSA this April at Virginia Tech. I will be discussing a
potential solution to this problem which here at the Virginia Museum of
Natural History we have implemented successfully.

Given that I have heard many unfortunate stories of research materials
being lost or thrown away, as a community, I was hoping you could help me
remember some specifics so during my presentation I can share some real
examples. *If you know of any research materials (billets, thin sections,
polished sections, synthesized specimens or experimental charges or
powders) that have been seriously neglected or thrown away for any reason
please let me know.* I will be happy to exclude names for privacy but size
of the collection and type of materials is necessary to convey my point.

Also, if you can make it to Southeast GSA this year I invite you to join
myself, Llyn Sharp, and Dr. Jim Beard for our session (information is
below) and to bring your own experiences to share after the session during
our concluding discussion.

Thank you and apologies for any cross-postings,
~Sarah Timm

[image: Inline image 1]

Sarah Timm

* Geological Collections & Database Specialist, Virginia Museum of Natural
HistoryMS in Geosciences with Focus on Geological Collections
ManagementPhone: 845-774-9994*
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