[Nhcoll-l] Preservation Intro online class

helen at collectioncare.org helen at collectioncare.org
Mon Mar 24 03:34:22 EDT 2014

A popular online course offered by Northern States
Center at www.museumclasses.org may interest folks:

MS104: An Introduction to Collections Preservation
Instructor: Helen Alten
Apr 7 - May 2, 2014

Course provides an overview of current preservation issues
from environmental monitoring to collection cleaning,
exhibit mounts and storage furniture, showing how the
building, staff and fixtures affect preservation. Subjects
include the agents of deterioration, risk management,
object handling and transport, object labeling, exhibit
lighting, security, emergency preparedness, materials for
storage and display, storage and exhibit philosophies, and
condition assessments.

For more information:

Helen Alten
Northern States Conservation Center

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