[Nhcoll-l] 1st - 2nd International Conservation Symposium-Workshop of Natural History Collections

Deborah Paul dpaul at fsu.edu
Fri Sep 12 11:36:05 EDT 2014

Hi All,

Seen on the GEO-CURATORS at JISCMAIL.AC.UK mailing list...and thought it 
would be of interest, and perhaps especially to those who work with 
paleontological collections...

From: Sandra Val [mailto:sval at crip.cat]
Sent: 10 September 2014 09:39
Subject: 1st - 2nd International Conservation Symposium-Workshop of 
Natural History Collections

Dear all,

The Centre de Restauració i Interpretació Paleontològica CRIP 
(Restoration and Interpretation Center of Paleontology) in Els Hostalets 
de Pierola, Barcelona, Spain. Is excited to host the 2nd International 
Conservation Symposium-Workshop of Natural History Collections in 
Barcelona (Spain) from the 6-9 May 2015. We are very honored because 
call this edition together with the Smithsonian National Museum of 
Natural History of Washington, the National Museums Scotland of 
Edinburgh and the National History Museum of London.

The symposium will have different venues of different institutions that 
are collaborating in the organization of the symposium: Superior School 
of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage in Catalonia 
(Generalitat de Catalunya) and Natural Science Museum of Barcelona 
(Ajuntament de Barcelona).
The main purpose of this Symposium-Workshop is to emphasize all those 
concepts related to protection and conservation of Natural History 
Collections.  Listening, discussing and learning with other natural 
science conservators and preparator-restorers is a great and unique 
opportunity that we offer for all professionals working in this field, 
so that our natural heritage gets managed in the best way possible. In 
this edition, we plan to cover:
•         Conferences by international professionals.
•         Attendees’ communications.
•         Poster presentations.
•         Practical classes and experience exchanges.
Following the Symposium we propose producing a publication in the 
“Journal of Paleontological Techniques”. All the talks, attendee’s 
presentation and posters would be included.
You can visit our facebook page 2nd International Conservation 
Symposium-Workshop, and If you like it, share it!!
Thank you very much and see you soon in Barcelona,
Sandra Val
Head of Conservation-Preparation Department of CRIP
Centre de Restauració I Interpretació Paleontològic, CRIP
sval at crip.cat

Steven J. Jabo
Research Assistant/Preparator of Paleontology.
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Vicen Carrió
Geological Conservator/Preparator
National Museums Scotland

Chris Collins
Head of Conservation
Sciences Facilities Department- Conservation Centre
National History Museum

(apologies for cross-posting -- but didn't want anyone to miss)

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