[Nhcoll-l] Survey on digitization practices in Entomology (v.2)

Barber, Anne ABarber at calacademy.org
Tue Feb 3 15:25:42 EST 2015

Hello, Scientists!

I am collecting data on actual digitization processes for Entomology collections worldwide. This survey targets dried, pinned collections only. I am interested in the basic workflow steps and how much time it takes to accomplish them. Please use your best estimate. This is a re-survey of the one that was sent out in September. The reason I’m doing a re-survey is that several of the questions and answers were ambiguous. I’ve re-worded the questions to clarify. I also received a lot of interest in seeing the results of the survey. The results from this one (v.2) will be made available to you!

Important: when giving your rate estimates, please only report the time it takes to do that specific step in the workflow. For example, do not include the time it takes to do image post-processing or transporting specimens from cabinet to workspace.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or additional feedback.

Fill out the survey here:

Anne Barber, M.S.
Digitization Project Manager
California Academy of Sciences
O: 415.379.5177
M: 616.443.7931
abarber at calacademy.org<mailto:abarber at calacademy.org>
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