[Nhcoll-l] Collection policy for recognizing an affiliated researcher

Anita Cholewa chole001 at umn.edu
Tue Feb 10 12:38:56 EST 2015

Extracts from our collection policy may be of help:

"Collection Volunteers and Museum Associates (with/without University
The Museum benefits from the contributions of volunteers who donate their
time and knowledge to assist the curators with collection activities. All
of these positions are non-salaried, volunteer positions that can include
activities at the discretion of the curators. All volunteer relationships
should be documented with a volunteer form that is signed by the curator
and volunteer (Appendix 3). In the case of museum associates, an
appointment letter from the director and signed by the museum associate is
The official “Bell Museum Associate” title is an annually renewable,
non-salaried, 12-month appointment at the University of Minnesota. This
category of volunteer is reserved for those in the scientific,
professional, amateur, or education community who provide sustained
collection-based research or museum-based pedagogical research. Bell Museum
associates should contribute to our research or educational collections
through specimen deposition, curation, or database content enhancements.

A Bell Museum Associate is sponsored by one or more faculty curators. To
propose a new associate, the sponsoring curator must provide the
prospective associate’s CV for consideration and a brief overview of how
this person will be contributing to the growth
and improvement of our research collections. Appointments are reviewed
annually for renewal. The curators provide a synopsis of their Museum
Associates contributions and activities as part of their annual collection
report. The curator must affirm annually that the level of contributions
warrant continued status as a museum associate.

There are two levels of Museum Associates. The first level of a Museum
Associate appointment does not confer additional University privileges;
however, the person is recognized in our Annual Report to donors and
provided an individual museum membership. They will be placed on the
distribution list to receive Bell Museum publications, exhibit and event
announcements. The second level of appointment (without salary, WOS)
includes the benefits of the first level and confers additional University
privileges of library, IT, recreational sports center access, and free
admission to University Museums. These appointments incur costs to the
College (approximately $2000/person in 2013) and should only be awarded to
those who, in the curator’s best judgment, have an intellectual need to
access these privileges to carry out their collaboration as a Museum

Whether these individuals are provided unsupervised access to the
collections or collection databases is at the discretion of the individual
curator. Curators should inform colleagues when such access is conferred
for for shared collection areas (Herbarium, Mammal/Bird or Fish/Herpetology

Hope this helps.

Anita F. Cholewa, Ph.D.
Curator of the UM Herbarium (MIN)
   and Acting Curator of Lichens
J.F. Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
1445 Gortner Ave
ST PAUL MN 55108-1095

campus mail code: 6022

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 1:13 PM, Sublett, Clayton <cas100 at shsu.edu> wrote:

>   Hi all,
> Our institution has a couple of collaborators that we would like to
> recognize as researchers affiliated with our natural history collection.
> Does anyone have a policy or suggestions on how your institution grants or
> determines who can be an official affiliate of the collection/museum?
> Thanks in advance.
> Clayton
>  Clayton Sublett, B.A.
> Collection Manager
> Sam Houston State University Natural History Collection
> Sam Houston State University
> Huntsville, TX 77340
> csublett at shsu.edu
> Office: (936) 294-4493
> Collection: (936) 294-4434
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