[Nhcoll-l] boxes for insects SUPPLIER

Jay R Cordeiro Jay.Cordeiro at umb.edu
Thu Jan 29 12:08:59 EST 2015

Hello, Irit and others.

Here at Northeast Natural History & Supply, we distribute archival museum specimen trays as well as storage/display drawers.  It sounds like this is what you require and I hope you will consider our product.  All are designed for preserving your natural history specimen collections.  

All drawers are constructed of poplar and/or basswood with masonite bottoms and kiln dried to avoid warping.  Corners are glued and v-nailed.  Tight fitting single sheet glass lids, pull knobs, and card holders are optionally available.  A clear sanding polyethylene lacquer is applied as a finish.  A single sheet glass window covers the top.  Drawers are designed to fit one of three different size spaces in stainless steel cabinets produced by major manufacturers: Smithsonian/NMNH, Cornell, California Academy, Southwest Solutions, Lane, Viking.

Our specimen trays are designed for curation, storage, rehousing, and display; and can be utilized for shells, minerals, skeletal material, feathers, eggs, skins, anthropological objects, fossils, glass vials, as well as other materials, memorabilia, and valuables. Archival trays are custom-manufactured in a variety of sizes and are nested for maximum storage efficiency.

Please contact me at your convenience and I can send images, product specs, samples, and/or pricing.


Jay Cordeiro

-----Original Message-----
From: nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu [mailto:nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Irit Gmail
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2015 4:08 AM
To: Nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] boxes for insects

I know that this question has been raised but I can not find the replies:
We intend to replace the display boxes in our insect collection and would be happy to receive recommendation regarding from whom to purchase or not to purchase.  As it should be shipped to Israel, than the geographic distance is important as well.

Dr. Irit Zohar

ORANIM- Academic College of Education
Tivon 36006, ISRAEL
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