[Nhcoll-l] Call for Book Cover Images - 'Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage'

Lisa Elkin lelkin at amnh.org
Fri Oct 16 09:46:48 EDT 2015

The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, The American Institute for Conservation, the Smithsonian Institution, and the Museum Studies Program of George Washington University are collaborating on a new book entitled "Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage.”  The volume discusses all aspects of collection storage, from planning and assessment, through building design and facilities management, to storage furniture and specimen housing. It is due for publication in late 2016.

As part of the book design process, the editorial board is seeking a cover image that reflects the concept of (good) collection storage. We hope that you will contribute one or more images you feel would work well. Given the scope of the book, the image might be a photograph at the building, room, cabinet/shelf, or object level, or simply reflect a ‘good storage concept’.

There is no financial reward, but you and your institution will receive full acknowledgement and a free copy of the book and, of course, incredible bragging rights!  The winning image may also be used on the book website and other promotional materials.

If you're interested in submitting an image for consideration, please send a horizontal image, at least 300 dpi, and minimum of 8 in W x 5 in H (2400 x 1500 pixels, 300 pixels/inch). JPG or TIF format preferred to Lisa Elkin (lelkin at amnh.org<mailto:lelkin at amnh.org>) or Chris Norris (christopher.norris at yale.edu<mailto:christopher.norris at yale.edu>) by October 31.

Lisa Elkin and Chris Norris
Managing Editors
Preventive Conservation: Collection Storage
212-313-7035 [Elkin]
203-432-3748 [Norris]
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