[Nhcoll-l] Insect collection pest management - insecticide for pest control

Luis Filipe Lopes llopes at museus.ul.pt
Mon Sep 14 13:04:04 EDT 2015

Hello, I am the curator of an insect collection and I am looking for some
information on museum pest control. The space where the collection is kept
does not have temperature control, only humidity, and in the Summer it can
reach temperatures near 30 ºC, sometimes for long periods. We have some
procedures to avoid pests, for example when specimens/drawers leave the room
they are always frozen for at least 3 days before going back in, we keep
everything as closed as possible, have some traps to detect insect pests and
try to have everything clean. 


We used to have naphthalene in the boxes, but have removed it some years ago
due to health concerns. There is still a heavy scent of naphthalene as it
impregnated the furniture. But since then, we have regular disinfestations.
However this Summer I have detected some drawers/boxes with Anthrenus
(Dermestidae) infestation. It was detected early and there wasn’t much harm
done has I have frozen the infested boxes and hopefully contained the


This made me think that the disinfestation that is being done regularly is
not adequate, and while I understand that chemical fumigation should be
avoided, since the room doesn’t have temperature control, I think it is
essential, at least when an infestation is detected.


So the disinfestation that has been done is using alpha-cypermetrin and says
to be able to control cockroaches, ants, flies, mosquitoes and silverfish.
But doesn’t say anything for big concerns such as Dermestidae. It is applied
as liquid in the ground.


Is this disinfestation adequate for the type of pest that affect museum
collections? Or what insecticides should be used?


Anyone has any experience or can direct me to any specific information on
this issue?


Thank you very much!


Filipe Lopes 


National Museum of Natural History and Science

Rua da Escola Politécnica, 56-58

1250-102 Lisboa




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