[Nhcoll-l] Reminder: Small Collections Network webinar 24 Sept 3:00 p.m. EDT

Gil Nelson gnelson at bio.fsu.edu
Wed Sep 23 08:34:43 EDT 2015

Reminder, this month's SCNet webinar is tomorrow, 3 p.m. EDT. See below 
for description and where to log in. No special software needed. 
Navigate to the site, select Enter as guest, enter your name, and click 
Enter Room.

  Transcribing Specimens into Symbiota: a practical approach

*Title: Transcribing Specimens into Symbiota: a practical approach*
*Date: 24 September 2015*
*Time: 3-4 pm EDT*
*Virtual meeting place: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__idigbio.adobeconnect.com_scnet-2A&d=AwICaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=2oDCY179HTBYq3q4WTTkAdq6LeM_z8lY_97KQ1MX1fM&s=hfsKVl9C-pwElxsyhsvEi6iHIbFxVqXX6yAuT5aXN-Q&e= 
*Presenter: Leila Siciliano-Martina (Label Transcriptionist), Richard 
Rabeler (University of Michigan) and Ed Gilbert (Symbiota)*
There is an art to transcribing labels and some initial learning curve 
issues arise as collections start this process for the first time. This 
is a "how to" webinar on transcribing labels. We will follow along as 
Leila Siciliano-Martina transcribes labels and details the top 10 "need 
to know" items when initiating this process. Rich Rabeler (University of 
Michigan) will speak to some collections challenges he has encountered 
when working on multi-institutional efforts to database collections. Ed 
Gilbert (Symbiota) will be on hand to answer questions about the 
Symbiota platform. This webinar is designed to assist collections in 
first steps of digitizing data.

Gil Nelson, PhD
Assistant Professor/Research
iDigBio Steering Committee
Integrated Digitized Biocollections
Institute for Digital Information and Scientific Communication
College of Communication and Information

Courtesy Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Robert K. Godfrey Herbarium
Florida State University
gnelson at bio.fsu.edu
Twitter: @idiggilnelson

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