[Nhcoll-l] IACUC Protocol

Mayfield, Teresa tmayfield at utep.edu
Thu Dec 8 13:26:02 EST 2016

I have a student who plans to collect lizards in the field.  Does anyone have an IACUC protocol for this that she could use as a template?

Thanks in advance!

Teresa J. Mayfield
Manager, UTEP Biodiversity Collections

University of Texas at El Paso
500 West University Avenue
El Paso, TX 79968*
Biology Bldg. #222

Office/Lab: (915) 747-5479  FAX: (915) 747-5808
E-mail: tmayfield at utep.edu<mailto:tmayfield at utep.edu>

*zip code 79902 for FEDEX/UPS deliveries

Website:  https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.utep.edu_leb_default.htm&d=CwIFAg&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=4Gs3tjT4v_6faMYsGGuybCnrvvJFmMSENPTr_MqCjWs&s=T9VFiLbeaNcmFQVOsLFCzESs_2irxb7aSMjSWi7DKpI&e= 

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