[Nhcoll-l] ICOM-CC 18th Triennial Call for Papers

Graham, Lucie Lucie.Graham at lancashire.gov.uk
Mon Feb 8 07:49:52 EST 2016

Hi all

ICOM-CC has put out a call for abstracts for their 18th Triennial Conference in Copenhagen. It takes place from 4-8th September 2017 and will mark the 50th anniversary of ICOM-CC.

The theme for this conference will be "Linking Past and Future", and the natural history working group are looking for contributions. The deadline for abstract contributions is the 15th April 2016. There is a significant lead in time for submission to ICOM-CC conference because all papers go through a thorough peer review process.

For those of you not familiar with the ICOM-CC conference, ICOM-CC has an international demographic and the conference is a great opportunity to meet with colleagues from all over the world, including emerging economies and developing countries. As this next one is in Europe (and a beautiful location) I hope to draw some interest from outside the community.

Please refer to www.icom-cc2017.org<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.icom-2Dcc2017.org&d=AwIGaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=HehOZY-Ti2w7jzzoz6vGFDUUwQFllFn7nwOcDhXn8XU&s=Kmx2cm5ujm1Lk26wNdQYhC636pUDNEMlQaeWHfeBGjc&e= > for information on submitting abstracts. More information will appear on this site over the year. A call for poster abstracts will be made at a later date.

Best wishes

Lucie Graham - ICOM-CC Natural History Working Group Co-ordinator

Lucie Graham
Conservation Officer. Natural History.
Lancashire Conservation Studios
Lancashire County Council

T: 01772 530213
E: Lucie.graham at lancashire.gov.uk<mailto:Lucie.graham at lancashire.gov.uk>

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