[Nhcoll-l] Announcement FEMA Pre-disaster mitigation funding

Alexandra Snyder amsnyder at unm.edu
Thu Jan 7 11:58:09 EST 2016

The Museum of Southwestern Biology (MSB), University of New Mexico was awarded (September 2014) a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grant ($75,778), managed through the New Mexico Dept. of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (NMHSEM), to purchase earthquake bars for compacted (SpaceSaver) AMCO shelving and VWR METRO shelving holding our fluid-preserved collections of parasites, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.  This funding is available through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP 97.039) For information on this program see:
 https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.fema.gov_hazard-2Dmitigation-2Dgrant-2Dprogram&d=AwIFAw&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=Xadc_hCakkg2eZ-4JJXod3JFHXsT7FUzYIWI0nypQaY&s=3Ne4U9DUdWbrqi7IKoea3krtrVr-TLhV2z5tNAK1Ge8&e=  <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.fema.gov_hazard-2Dmitigation-2Dgrant-2Dprogram-2520&d=AwIFAw&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=CLFZJ3fvGSmDp7xK1dNZfh6uGV_h-8NVlo3fXNoRNzI&m=Xadc_hCakkg2eZ-4JJXod3JFHXsT7FUzYIWI0nypQaY&s=ZEcPLPeQiCgj8U2e2IyZ-2GQWOBrK4z9O6m4AavPrOQ&e= >
Solicitation for funding is open to any community (e.g., county/city/university) that has submitted an approved (FEMA) predisaster mitigation plan (PDM) to the State.   FEMA funding (75%) covered the cost of shelf ledges, shipping, and overhead costs (ca. $56,000) and the University of New Mexico provided labor (non-Federal salaries) as their part of cost share (25%).  Additional (December 2015) funding ($10,000) was granted by the Region 6 FEMA office for inter-shelving bars to mitigate effects of lateral movement of jars during seismic events.

If interested in knowing more about this grant and the process, you can contact me, off list.   Email: (Alexandra Snyder) at amsnyder at unm.edu

Alexandra M Snyder, Collections Manager-Fishes
Museum of Southwestern Biology MSC03-2020
University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM 87131
PH./FAX 505.277.6005     amsnyder at unm.edu

Bldg.83  Room 204
302 Yale Blvd NE

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