[Nhcoll-l] source of wide-mouth jars

Carola Haas cahaas at vt.edu
Mon Sep 26 17:35:32 EDT 2016

Hello all,
I’m having trouble finding a source of large jars for wide fish specimens.  Many of the gallon jars have such a narrow opening that we can’t fish wide fish through them, and if we want something in a smaller volume but still with a wide diameter and wide mouth, that’s even harder to find.   I’ve searched the suppliers list on the SPNHC site to no avail--the widest mouth I can find is 120 mm.  

While I”m inquiring, I’d also be interested in short but wide jars for snakes.  We have many snakes in gallon (4L) jars, but these waste a lot of shelf height because the coiled snakes are less than 2” (50 mm) in height.  We only need a jar that is 1/2 or 1/3 of the height of a standard gallon jar.  Do jars exist that are 150-200 mm in diameter and about the same height?

 Does anyone have suggestions?

Thank you!

Carola A. Haas
Professor, Wildlife Ecology
Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Conservation
112 Cheatham Hall (MC 0321)
310 West Campus Drive, Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA 24061
cahaas at vt.edu

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