[Nhcoll-l] Conducting an Internation Loan

Prondzinski, Mary Beth mbprondzinski at ua.edu
Mon Aug 28 13:26:56 EDT 2017

Greetings All:

I have been trying to arrange a loan of a valuable artifact we possess with the Paris Museum of Natural History.  I was contacted by them back in March and I have asked repeatedly for a formal request on letterhead, and have sent them our Conditions of Loan and the object's appraisal amount so they would know what they were getting into.  I have never received any relevant response, though I have corresponded with several people that I have been passed off to, and repeated our stipulations several times...even in French!   Today, I received a phone call from a shipping agency here in the states that was contacted by a French agency who wanted to arrange to have the artifact "picked up and delivered" to the museum in mid-September (!)  I was flabbergasted, as I was never even consulted and no formal loan agreement has been processed.  Is this typical of how they handle loans?!  Has anyone else dealt with them and what was your experience?  Please contact me off list.  Thanks for your help...

Mary B. Prondzinski
Collections Manager, Natural History Museum
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