[Nhcoll-l] Questions without answers - oh no! Darwin Core Hour needs your help

Deborah Paul dpaul at fsu.edu
Wed Dec 6 12:01:56 EST 2017

Hi SPNHC'ers,

This is your chance to make someone's day. Please help us tackle the 
backlog of questions we have in our Darwin Core Hour website. This is 
your opportunity to do a good deed and make someone happy at the same 
time. Sharing your expertise makes this project work. Thank you in 
advance for your contribution. You can also help by passing along this 
note to others you know could answer these outstanding questions. If you 
feel you cannot answer a question fully, don't be shy - share the 
knowledge that you have anyway. Multiple people can answer the same 
question, each one contributing their grain of sand.

New Tickets Needing Answers 

Some of them are tangential to the Darwin Core Hour Scope - and so we 
need to do this outreach to help our community find the knowledge they 
need to support their data mobilization efforts. We very much appreciate 
your help. Please also consider joining our Darwin Core Hour Team for 2018.

Thank you, Muchas gracias, Kiitos paljon, Merci, Grazie, Domo arigato,  
Vielen Dank, Spasiba, ...
 From the Darwin Core Hour Team

please excuse cross-posting

-- Upcoming iDigBio Eventshttps://www.idigbio.org/calendar
-- Deborah Paul, iDigBio Digitization and Workforce Training Specialist
iDigBio -- Steering Committee Member, SPNHC Liaison and Member-At-Large, SYNTHESYS3 Representative
Institute for Digital Information, 234 LSB
Florida State University
Tallahassee, Florida 32306

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