[Nhcoll-l] Important update on ACE import declaration system

Peter Rauch peterar at berkeley.edu
Thu Jan 12 16:29:55 EST 2017

How will the Ornithological Council know, to say nothing of the larger
"research community" know that its best interests are being adequately
represented (as a "seated" member of the USFWS w.g. of the CCOAC) if the OC
is not privy to the confidential details ?

How exactly will the CCOAC's deliberations be more usefully / deeply
informed by a scientific research community that seemingly can be no better
informed (due to this continuing confidentiality) than before this seating ?

I.e., how --now-- will the research community's opportunity for (timely,
robust, informed) input be more meaningfully enhanced?


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 12:00 PM, Ellen Paul <ellen.paul at verizon.net> wrote:

> The Ornithological Council has been seated on the USFWS working group of
> the Commercial Customs Operations Advisory Committee for the purpose of
> providing expertise to the USFWS and CBP as to the implementation of the
> ACE import declaration system as to  wildlife material imported for
> scientific research.
> This is significant because it is the first time the research community
> has had an opportunity for input.
> Advisory Committee discussions are confidential so I will not be sharing
> any details without prior permission from the Committee leadership.
> Ellen
> --
> Ellen Paul
> Executive Director
> Ornithological Council
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