[Nhcoll-l] Archaeological malaco problems

Laura Romero romerplau at gmail.com
Sat Jul 29 03:38:13 EDT 2017

Dear all,

It is my first time posting here, I hope someone could help me.

I am working on neolithic malacofauna materials unearthed from an
archaeological site placed in a cave near Barcelona. Other materials are
not in a bad conservation state, but seashells are suffering a lot of
damage of their physical integrity, presenting in some cases a butter

We know the cause, but I haven't found anything about treatments and
conservation. I am cleaning and removing the soil at the same time I use a
consolidant to avoid the complete destruction of shells. Have any of you
ever worked with these difficulties or know any useful bibliography about
conservation treatments of archaeological malaco materials?
Any help will be very appreciated.

Thank you so much and have a nice day,

*Laura Romero*
CIPAG Conservation Lab
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