[Nhcoll-l] Plastic sleeves for bird skins

Amos Belmaker belmakera at tauex.tau.ac.il
Sun Jun 4 09:21:55 EDT 2017

Hi all,

We are in the process of organizing and modernizing our vertebrate collection. As part of that process we want to both protect our bird and mammal skins and be able to stick a bar-code on each specimen.

We were thinking about putting each skin in a plastic sleeve to protect it while allowing us to stick the bar-code to the sleeve allowing us to scan without touching the specimen. Of course this will not be instead of a label.

I was trying to find some guidelines for the use of such sleeves and couldn't find any. Does anyone have any recommendation/thoughts on this?  Is this a good idea? Where can I buy them?  Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks,
Amos Belmaker

Amos Belmaker, Ph.D.

Bird collection manager, The Steinhardt Museum of Natural History, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

(+972) 03-6409399

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