[Nhcoll-l] Urgent: University of Louisiana at Monroe Museum of Natural History facing imminent divestment or destruction

Christine Johnson cjohnson at amnh.org
Wed Mar 29 09:10:31 EDT 2017

Hi All,
I've been thinking about this ever-growing problem for a while, as now and again you hear of orphaned/abandoned collections.

What do people think of creating some kind of task force to come up with a list of the collections in the U.S. (iDigBio probably has most of these collections listed already) and reach out to them before things reach a crisis point? We could provide 'emergency' contact info for other institutions who would be willing to take the material. It may even serve to show the administration of the institutions that other places value the material and give them incentive to preserve them.

Just a thought.

-----Original Message-----
From: nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu [mailto:nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Doug Yanega
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 9:00 PM
To: nhcoll <nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu>
Subject: Re: [Nhcoll-l] Urgent: University of Louisiana at Monroe Museum of Natural History facing imminent divestment or destruction

FYI: I'm not affiliated in any way with ULM, I posted about this because it needs broader attention, immediately, and to see if anyone has ideas as to how the museum community might put pressure on the admins of ULM to re-think this terrible ultimatum.


Doug Yanega      Dept. of Entomology       Entomology Research Museum
Univ. of California, Riverside, CA 92521-0314     skype: dyanega
phone: (951) 827-4315 (disclaimer: opinions are mine, not UCR's)
   "There are some enterprises in which a careful disorderliness
         is the true method" - Herman Melville, Moby Dick, Chap. 82

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