[Nhcoll-l] Mountain lion mount

Mariana Di Giacomo maru.digi at gmail.com
Fri Nov 10 14:53:32 EST 2017

Dear Ashlee,

If you're looking for a conservator, I recommend AIC's "Find a conservator"
feature on their website. This is the link:

There are other natural history conservators on this list, so maybe they'll
give you specific names.

Good luck!

On Nov 10, 2017 13:27, "Ashlee Nenorta" <anenorta at massaudubon.org> wrote:

> Hello all,
> We have a mountain lion mount that used to be displayed in our visitor’s
> center that is now in storage and we are looking to display it once again.
> The mount is in less than pristine condition and needs to be clean, but as
> it is an old mount it has been treated with arsenic.  I was hoping someone
> could help steer me in the right direction of someone who cleans arsenic
> treated mounts.
> Further, what we are really hoping to do is set up an agreement with an
> institution where we loan out the mountain lion for research in exchange
> for cleaning.
> Thanks!
> Ashlee Nenorta
> Registrar
> Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary
> Easthampton, MA
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