[Nhcoll-l] papers of herpetologist John Gasperetti

Rebekah Kim rkim at calacademy.org
Tue Nov 14 11:59:23 EST 2017

We received notice about the papers of John Gasperetti, a herpotologist
that focused on the Middle East (for more information about Hohn Gasperetti
I have attached an obituary from *Zoology in the Middle East).*

His widow has his papers, and her health is failing so her friends and
family are trying to find an institution that will take Gasperetti's
papers, which include his field notes.  Those interested will need to
arrange for the packing and shipping of the materials, which are in Cairo.
There is concern that the material will be disposed of if they can't find a
place for them.

If you are interested in these papers, or know of any institution that are
please email me, and I will forward the message to the family.

Thank you,

Rebekah Kim, MLIS Head Librarian California Academy of Sciences
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