[Nhcoll-l] Fossils of the Barton Cliffs

Simon Moore couteaufin at btinternet.com
Mon Nov 20 10:10:32 EST 2017


Just in case she doesn’t see this, Christine Taylor at Hampshire Cultural Trust, Winchester SO23 8RD part curates a large collection of palaeo. material from Barton, some collected by the late and lamented David Kemp.

christine.taylor at hampshireculturaltrust.org.uk will find her but like many museum employees, she is ‘thinly spread’ so don’t expect too much detail.

With all good wishes, Simon.

Simon Moore MIScT, RSci, FLS, ACR
Conservator of Natural Sciences and Cutlery Historian,

> On 20 Nov 2017, at 11:09, David Hall <mail at davidewhall.plus.com> wrote:
> I have been researching the role of the Barton Levels at Barton Cliffs in Barton-on-Sea in Hampshire England in the development of the sciences of geology and palaeontology. Barton not only gave its name to the Bartonian Stage but also Charles Lyell and many notable geologists have close connections with Barton. It seems that the fossils were of such fine preservation that they have found their way into many collections outside England. 
> I would like to add an appendix to my paper on the subject listing some of the organisations that have fossils of Barton provenance in their collection.
> If you have any such fossils in your collection then I would ideally like to know:-
> 1) Museum name
> 2) Approx no. of fossils from Barton-on-Sea
> 3) Names (preferably English) of the type of fossils.
> 4) Collector(s) if known.
> 5) Details of any large, impressive, unique or otherwise important fossils.
> I look forward to hearing from you about your collections and welcome any question about my research and findings.
> Best regards
> David
> David Hall
> Milton Heritage Society
> Tel:         01425 638995
> Mob:       07855 255884
> Email:    mail at davidewhall.plus.com <mailto:mail at davidewhall.plus.com>
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