Hawks, Catharine HawksC at si.edu
Tue Oct 3 15:37:21 EDT 2017

From: Foley, Lori [mailto:lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov]
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2017 2:12 PM
To: cvaughn at achp.gov; rnelson at achp.gov; jloichinger at achp.gov; jvaughan at aam-us.org; jackson at aaslh.org; LindsayBrugger at aia.org; RachelMinnery at aia.org; epourchot at conservation-us.org; ewentworth at conservation-us.org; junger at conservation-us.org; kkromer at alawash.org; mdowling at ala.org; rharper at artsusa.org; pwalsh at artsusa.org; brian.carter at 4culture.org; spicer at blackmuseums.org; afinch at aamd.org; canagnos at aamd.org; PaulKuenstner at apti.org; lhortzstanton at ccaha.org; president at atalm.org; bob.ottenhoff at disasterphilanthropy.org; mostrum at craftemergency.org; cornelia at craftemergency.org; tcherubini at cosla.org; chenry at clir.org; rebecca.katz at dc.gov; awackerson at statearchivists.org; Hass, Jennifer <jennifer.hass at hq.dhs.gov>; kim_harriz at ios.doi.gov; nicole_kruz at ios.doi.gov; john_nelson at ios.doi.gov; alillpop at purdue.edu; cain at purdue.edu; Defrancesco, Donna <Donna.Defrancesco2 at fema.dhs.gov>; Lori Foley <lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov>; Fontenot, Kristin <Kristin.Fontenot at fema.dhs.gov>; Ketchum, John <John.Ketchum at fema.dhs.gov>; Weisgerber, Julie <julie.weisgerber at fema.dhs.gov>; anha at loc.gov; emackintosh at statehumanities.org; jake.heflin at itema.org; elizabeth.hannold at gsa.gov; joan.brierton at gsa.gov; caroline.alderson at gsa.gov; tpwhalen at getty.edu; cbodner at imls.gov; mfarrell at imls.gov; johnconklincem at gmail.com; armstrong at iaem.com; Bechtol, Nancy <BechtNa at si.edu>; jhansen at choctawnation.com; jdre at loc.gov; anro at loc.gov; stephanie at napcommissions.org; pamela.najar-simpson at nara.gov; preston.huff at nara.gov; patrice.m.davis at usdoj.gov; bambi at nathpo.org; KDBrodie at duanemorris.com; hein at ncshpo.org; tsheets at csg.org; tighet at arts.gov; tausema at neh.gov; ngardner at neh.gov; Mason, Stephen D. <stephen.d.mason1.ctr at mail.mil>; tevye.yoblick.mil at mail.mil; lucy.barber at nara.gov; bgurwitz at nhalliance.org; skidd at nhalliance.org; Ann_Hitchcock at nps.gov; sarah_m_jackson at nps.gov; jennifer_wellock at nps.gov; akerttul at nsf.gov; dwinslow at nsf.gov; BPahl at savingplaces.org; cturner at preserveart.org; John.Valliere at sba.gov; Averyt, Katelynn <averytk at si.edu>; Bowe, Stacy D. <BoweS at si.edu>; Delaney, Michelle <delaneym at si.edu>; Gentry, Eric <GentryE at si.edu>; Kirby, Liz <KirbyCE at si.edu>; Snell, Samantha <SnellS at si.edu>; Tompkins, William <TompkinsW at si.edu>; Wegener, Corine <WegenerC at si.edu>; nbeaumont at archivists.org; mcclurkin at uta.edu; psaliga at sah.org; president at sha.org; SEMiller at flagler.edu; Hawks, Catharine <HawksC at si.edu>; Kaczkowski, Rebecca <KaczkowskiR at si.edu>; sid.caesar at bia.gov; patrick.vacha at bia.gov; Amy.M.Williams at usace.army.mil; Michael.K.Trimble at usace.army.mil; Andrea.A.FARMER at usace.army.mil; bpencek at usicomos.org; racheljacobso at gmail.com; d.c.comer at gmail.com; lackerman at wmf.org; tshapiro at actorsfund.org; csclar at publicgardens.org
Cc: Beard, Karen <Karen.Beard at dps.texas.gov>; msmith at tsl.texas.gov; jchubb at tsl.texas.gov; billy at texasmuseums.org; jennifer at texasmuseums.org; mark.wolfe at thc.state.tx.us; laura.casey at thc.state.tx.us; mgillette at humanitiestexas.org; ygonzalez at humanitiestexas.org; ggibbs at arts.texas.gov; jbm at arts.texas.gov; pats at txla.org; wendyw at txla.org; deborah.mcnulty at houstontx.gov; mperales3 at uh.edu; Anderson, Leah E <Leah.Anderson at fema.dhs.gov>; Jaynes, Kevin <Kevin.Jaynes at fema.dhs.gov>; Rayne, Angela <angela.m.rayne at fema.dhs.gov>; Leger, Latoya <Latoya.Leger at fema.dhs.gov>; Cockrell, Tarisha <tarisha.cockrell at fema.dhs.gov>; Winton, Holly <Holly.Winton at fema.dhs.gov>; Chichester, Shelly <Shelly.Chichester at fema.dhs.gov>; Stojsavljevic, Katie <katie.stojsavljevic at fema.dhs.gov>; spine at mfah.org; 'Olivia K Primanis' <primanis at utexas.edu>; 'Jessica.Phillips at unt.edu'; 'Rebecca Elder' <rebecca at elderpreservation.com>; pavelka at utexas.edu; Dawson, Richard <richard_dawson at ios.doi.gov>; Mangas, Courtney <courtney.mangas at fema.dhs.gov>; Arthur, Christopher <christopher_arthur at ios.doi.gov>; Mollie Quinlan-Hayes <mquinlanhayes at southarts.org>; Tom Clareson <Tom.Clareson at lyrasis.org>; Alison Gilchrest <AHG at mellon.org>; Abigail Choudhury <ajc at mellon.org>; Susan Feder <sf at mellon.org>

Please share the following with your members and constituents in Texas.


Arts organizations and cultural institutions that have been impacted by Hurricane Irma may be eligible for Federal assistance via:

*         Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public Assistance (PA)

*         Small Business Administration (SBA) disaster loans

If your institution is affiliated with a government agency, such as a state university or a county or municipality, you should communicate with that agency regarding your damage and any expenditures (overtime of personnel, purchases, etc.) to protect your facilities. The information below doesn't necessarily apply to your institution because your expenditures will be included as part of your government agency - but only if it is aware of your damage.

In a Nutshell: File, File, File

1.       File a claim with your insurance company immediately. Follow all the deadlines set by the insurance company, and submit all documents and information requested within the deadlines set by the company. FEMA will want to see a settlement or denial letter from your insurance company to ensure that benefits are not duplicated, so be sure to file an insurance claim promptly. If you still have unmet needs or damages that the insurance company does not cover, then FEMA may be able to provide you with assistance.

2.       File for FEMA Public Assistance. Don't dither about your eligibility; let FEMA determine your status. Be aware of the filing deadline. If you miss the deadline, which varies based on your county disaster declaration date, you will not have access to this federal disaster assistance. (See the attached PPT for deadline dates.)

3.       File for a Small Business Administration disaster loan as well. Complete and submit the application as soon as possible. Returning the application does not obligate you to accept an SBA loan, but it is a necessary step to being considered for other forms of federal disaster assistance, including FEMA Public Assistance.
FEMA Public Assistance
If you are private nonprofit organization unaffiliated with any government agency, apply for FEMA Public Assistance (PA) and an SBA disaster loan.

Only certain private nonprofit (PNP) organizations are eligible under FEMA's Public Assistance Grant Program. To be an eligible applicant, the PNP must show that it has:

*         A current ruling letter from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service granting tax exemption under sections 501(c), (d), or (e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or

*         Documentation from the State substantiating it is a non-revenue producing, nonprofit entity organized or doing business under State law.

Additionally, for a facility to be eligible, the PNP must own or operate the facility and provide a service that is:

*         Critical in nature (e.g., education, utility, emergency, or medical); or

*         A non-critical facility that provides an essential government service AND is open to the public.

For more information on eligibility of PNPs, refer to the Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.fema.gov_public-2Dassistance-2Dpolicy-2Dand-2Dguidance&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=0zIccsP3UTej_yP9R-EhS6CBoE8S28scEAY89AGjZ0A&s=E9p1WoQySKVT9pZYxpDVZ-1SoQElj9AIZ5wBDKY5hUc&e= .

Applicant Briefing
The Applicant Briefing provides a high-level overview of the Public Assistance (PA) Program. The topics it normally covers include:

*         Application procedures

*         Project funding

*         Hazard mitigation

*         Administrative requirements

*         Procurement requirements

*         Environmental and historic preservation (EHP) compliance requirements

*         General eligibility criteria

*         Documentation requirements

*         Recordkeeping

IMPORTANT: An Applicant Briefing will be held tomorrow, October 4, at 10:00 am. If possible, attend the online presentation, even if you have not yet decided to apply for FEMA Public Assistance.




October 4, 2017

10:00 AM

WebEx - Online Presentation
Video address: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__txdps.webex.com&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=0zIccsP3UTej_yP9R-EhS6CBoE8S28scEAY89AGjZ0A&s=JaiZDpeoogdTKJkNzV8j8G-fTY2dzfshzF4uQk7c16s&e= 
Meeting ID: 928 471 635
Also available on WebEx app in either iPhone and Android app store
Call-in Information:
Toll Free: 1 (800) 861-4329
US Toll: 1 (404) 397-1535
Access Code: 173 218 5

See the attached Applicant Briefing confirmation memo, along with the attached Applicant Briefing PPT. Note: You do not HAVE to attend an Applicant Briefing in order to file a Request for Public Assistance. Additional briefings will be conducted once additional counties are included in the declaration.  (Dates to be determined.) Complete the forms and submit them at any time prior to the deadline for your county.

The following forms, attached, must accompany your application:

*         Request for Public Assistance (RPA)

*         PNP Facility Questionnaire

*         Designation of Subrecipient's Agent (DSA)

*         Direct Deposit Authorization
Applicants should send their RPA to:
tdemrecovery.rpa at dps.texas.gov<mailto:tdemrecovery.rpa at dps.texas.gov>

For questions about Public Assistance, please contact:
Karen Beard
Recovery Officer
Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM)
Texas Homeland Security
Texas Department of Public Safety
O: (512) 242-7822
F:  (512) 424-2424
karen.beard at dps.texas.gov<mailto:karen.beard at associates.fema.dhs.gov>

Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Program
Non-Critical PNPs - most arts organizations and cultural institutions - must first apply to the Small Business Administration for disaster assistance. If denied by SBA or if your costs exceed what SBA covers, then FEMA may be able to provide you with assistance.

There are several types of loan programs available to private nonprofits. They include:

Types of Loans



Maximum Amount

Business Loans "Physical"

Businesses and private

Repair or replace real estate, equipment, furniture, etc.

$2 million

Economic Injury Loans

Small businesses & private

Economic injury disaster loans or working capital loans

$2 million


Businesses, private
nonprofits and homeowners.

Mitigate / prevent future loss to real property

20% of verified physical damage. Homeowners limited to $200,000.

  *   Businesses and private nonprofit organizations of any size may borrow up to $2 million to repair or replace disaster damaged or destroyed real estate, machinery and equipment, inventory, and other business assets.

  *   Applicants may be eligible for a loan amount increase up to 20 percent of their physical damages, as verified by the SBA for mitigation purposes.

  *   Economic Injury Loans are also available for businesses that did not receive physical damage but were economically impacted due to the disaster.

  *   Interest rates are as low as 2.5 percent for nonprofit organizations. Loan amounts and terms are set by the SBA and are based on each applicant's financial condition.

  *   To apply online, go to https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.sba.gov_disaster-2Dassistance_hurricane-2Dharvey&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=0zIccsP3UTej_yP9R-EhS6CBoE8S28scEAY89AGjZ0A&s=zMQuJeGPy_ntxYBw_ft2vG7b51fmU4_nWs-fhhRf1wc&e= .

  *   SBA has opened five Business Recovery Centers. SBA representatives can meet with business owners to answer questions about SBA's disaster loan program, explain the application process and help them complete their Electronic Loan Application. SBA staffs the Business Recovery Center with representatives from the Small Business Development Center, Women's Business Center and SCORE to offer free financial counseling advice to business owners.

Hours are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekends unless otherwise noted. The property damage application deadline is Oct. 24, 2017. The deadline to apply for economic injury is May 25, 2018.


BRC Location


Women's Club of Aransas County, 1104 Concho St., Rockport, TX 78382


University of Houston Small Business Development Center Region Office, 2302 Fannin St. - Suite 200, Houston, TX 77002


Port Aransas Community Center (next to the museum), 408 N. Alister St., Port Aransas, TX 78373

Fort Bend

Fort Bend County Sienna Annex, 5855 Sienna Springs Way - Room 111, Missouri City, TX 77459-7 a.m. - 7 p.m. daily


Lamar University Center for Innovation, Commercialization and Entrepreneurship (CICE), 5091 Rolfe Christopher Drive, Beaumont, TX 77705

  *   More information is available at https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.sba.gov_disaster-2Dassistance&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=0zIccsP3UTej_yP9R-EhS6CBoE8S28scEAY89AGjZ0A&s=a5To4nzAX_nVqj2s7NmAmBLB3Lo577GDuujfkSd2M4g&e= .  You can also email disastercustomerservice at sba.gov<mailto:disastercustomerservice at sba.gov> or call (800) 659-2955. Individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing may call (800) 877-8339.


Lori Foley
Administrator, Heritage Emergency National Task Force
Office of Environmental Planning & Historic Preservation
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration
lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov<mailto:lori.foley at fema.dhs.gov>
M: 202.826.6303

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