[Nhcoll-l] Animal Kingdom: A Natural History in 100 Objects

Ashby, Jack j.ashby at ucl.ac.uk
Mon Oct 23 07:44:44 EDT 2017

Hi all
I hope you don't mind my bringing to your attention my new book which came out earlier this month, particularly as a number of members of this community were so helpful in making it happen. It brings together the overlapping circles of animals and museums, with a big section on the unnaturalness of natural history museums, so I thought it might be of interest to SPNHC members:

Animal Kingdom: A Natural History in 100 Objects
Jack Ashby
[cid:image002.jpg at 01D34BFC.B3548960]
>From a single beginning, countless millions of stories from the animal kingdom have - and continue to - run their course. Museum objects allow us to investigate some of those stories. Animal Kingdom journeys through both the evolutionary history of animals, and the ways that people have interpreted them in museums. Animals in museums are not only representatives of their entire species, but they also tell us something about the time in which they were collected. They provide windows into the past as well as data for the present. They embody centuries of natural ecosystems and human cultures. Through a selection of 100 objects, telling 100 stories, this beautifully illustrated book explores the diversity of animal life over the past 600 million years, and delves into some of the most exciting mechanisms in evolution. By understanding some of the key stories of how nature operates, we can gain amazing insight into the systems underlying life itself.

The Book Depository is currently offering free worldwide delivery: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.bookdepository.com_Animal-2DKingdom-2DJack-2DAshby_9780750981521-3Fref-3Dgrid-2Dview-26qid-3D1506947719115-26sr-3D1-2D1&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=4WqkAjkZQfyFdIhull7XEW71bCjyqwqeKuMWJE2H7iA&s=0eIH_dBbwvEhnJpeV-ypNPV2skp-XBxOKBG9DmTIGVY&e=

All the best

Grant Museum of Zoology
UCL Culture
Rockefeller Building
University College London
21 University Street
London WC1E 6DE

020 3108 2052 (or 52052 from within UCL)
j.ashby at ucl.ac.uk<mailto:j.ashby at ucl.ac.uk>

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