[Nhcoll-l] Fwd: MVZ faculty search in Vertebrate Evolutionary Biology

Carol Spencer atrox at berkeley.edu
Wed Sep 6 12:57:38 EDT 2017


Advertising our faculty search for a new MVZ assistant faculty curator/
assistant professor, and forward to any interested parties you may know.

The MVZ is conducting a search for a new faculty member.  The advertisement
is now on line (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__aprecruit.berkeley.edu_apply_JPF01458&d=DwIBaQ&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=OQhXPHKmoQf5PYF-wCvR3j3E06nEleu-Z8XyitVyGAI&s=hIm-NRXrcWUEn1JcFuPzlvOquJOnAj8nFKZ0pCaSq78&e= ) and also
attached here.  Please help us advertise the position by circulating this
widely.  This is an exciting opportunity for the MVZ!


Michael Nachman
Director, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
Professor, Department of Integrative Biology
3101 Valley Life Sciences Building
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3160

(510) 642-1792
mnachman at berkeley.edu

Carol L. Spencer, Ph.D.
Staff Curator of Herpetology & Researcher
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
3101 Valley Life Sciences Building
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA 94720-3160
atrox10 at gmail.com
atrox at berkeley.edu
TEL: 510-643-5778 <(510)%20643-5778> /FAX: 510-643-8238 <(510)%20643-8238>


Carol L. Spencer, Ph.D.
Staff Curator of Herpetology & Researcher
Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
3101 Valley Life Sciences Building
University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA 94720-3160
atrox10 at gmail.com
atrox at berkeley.edu
TEL: 510-643-5778 <(510)%20643-5778> /FAX: 510-643-8238 <(510)%20643-8238>

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