[Nhcoll-l] collections database

John Torgersen jtorg at umich.edu
Thu Jun 14 20:25:02 EDT 2018

Hi Tim,

Each of the collection management systems has different features, with 
each having things about it that are appealing. The best way to decide 
which will work for you is to list your requirements (like do you want 
it to handle accessioning and loans, etc., should it be within your 
institutional IT environment or is it okay for it to be on an external 
host, do you have a budget or does it need to be free to use, and so on) 
then compare your requirements with the particulars of the systems 

At the University of Michigan College of Literature, Science & Arts, we 
are most of the way through a multi-year effort to migrate all of our 
biologically-based museum collections to Specify, as it fit our 
particular set of requirements.

I'm happy to answer any questions, and if you're ever in Ann Arbor, I'd 
be happy to show you our set-up and give you a tour of our new Research 
Museums Center.

John Torgersen
UM LSA IT Infrastructure

On 6/14/18 6:02 PM, Timothy Koneval wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone could give me some suggestions for 
> electronic database for museum collections. Our museum does not 
> currently have any information in electronic format and I would like 
> to change that.
> I have been seeing several posts about Arctos as a database. Is that 
> was most museums are using now for their collection information?
> Thank you,
> Tim
> -- 
> Dr. Timothy Koneval
> Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Physiology
> Biology Department
> Ohio Northern University
> (419) 772-2762
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