[Nhcoll-l] Community Survey about the future of biodiversity collections funding

Thiers, Barbara bthiers at nybg.org
Tue Mar 6 14:02:31 EST 2018

Please participate in a survey to help define a stakeholder vision to maximize the value of biodiversity collections data for collections management, research and education in the future.

The Biodiversity Collections Network (BCoN) is coordinating the development of this vision in response to requests from NSF and others to inform the development of a new funding program to succeed NSF's current ADBC program. The effort will culminate in a workshop in October 2018 where we will consolidate the feedback into a strategic plan for 2020-2030. The strategic plan, to be issued in early 2019, will be available for public comment and edited accordingly before it is finalized.

BCoN is a five-year national initiative funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF DBI 1441785) to support the development of a new, sustainable community of practice that will ensure that all U.S. biodiversity collections are digitally available for research, education, informed decision-making, and other scholarly and creative activities.

The survey can be found here:

Dr. Barbara M. Thiers
Vice President
Patricia K. Holmgren Director of the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Curator of Bryophytes
Editor, Index Herbariorum
President-Elect, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY 10458-5126
bthiers at nybg.org<mailto:bthiers at nybg.org>

The World's Herbaria 2017<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sweetgum.nybg.org_science_docs_The-5FWorlds-5FHerbaria-5F2017-5F5-5FJan-5F2018.pdf&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=F6KCls1GnwPyxy1vRyigPZLqrI5CsQvfi4cjf56pZdc&s=C5UCODbIgXtvhtw_n5kI5ndEksUZhJAes2oXA6haInM&e=>  (second Index Herbariorum annual report)
Index Herbariorum Registration Form<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sciweb.nybg.org_science2_IH-5FQuestionnaire-5F2009.doc&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=F6KCls1GnwPyxy1vRyigPZLqrI5CsQvfi4cjf56pZdc&s=YmeQamrmTO7ApxQ6jWwKtHY83Nlj2_N7UnNL95gLZUQ&e=>
Index Herbariorum Registration Form Example<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sciweb.nybg.org_science2_IH-5FQuestionnaire-5F2009-5Fexample.doc&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=F6KCls1GnwPyxy1vRyigPZLqrI5CsQvfi4cjf56pZdc&s=hbkbYNQ0EjmXKaWumKc99qnzAV-g6pIQ2WeCFfXe5Vo&e=>

From: Thiers, Barbara
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 2:02 PM
To: herbaria at NACSE.ORG
Subject: Community Survey about the future of biodiversity collections funding

Please participate in a survey to help define a stakeholder vision to maximize the value of biodiversity collections data for collections management, research and education in the future.

The Biodiversity Collections Network (BCoN) is coordinating the development of this vision in response to requests from NSF and others to inform the development of a new funding program to succeed NSF's current ADBC program. The effort will culminate in a workshop in October 2018 where we will consolidate the feedback into a strategic plan for 2020-2030. The strategic plan, to be issued in early 2019, will be available for public comment and edited accordingly before it is finalized.

BCoN is a five-year national initiative funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF DBI 1441785) to support the development of a new, sustainable community of practice that will ensure that all U.S. biodiversity collections are digitally available for research, education, informed decision-making, and other scholarly and creative activities.

The survey can be found here:

Dr. Barbara M. Thiers
Vice President
Patricia K. Holmgren Director of the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Curator of Bryophytes
Editor, Index Herbariorum
President-Elect, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY 10458-5126
bthiers at nybg.org<mailto:bthiers at nybg.org>

The World's Herbaria 2017<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sweetgum.nybg.org_science_docs_The-5FWorlds-5FHerbaria-5F2017-5F5-5FJan-5F2018.pdf&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=F6KCls1GnwPyxy1vRyigPZLqrI5CsQvfi4cjf56pZdc&s=C5UCODbIgXtvhtw_n5kI5ndEksUZhJAes2oXA6haInM&e=>  (second Index Herbariorum annual report)
Index Herbariorum Registration Form<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sciweb.nybg.org_science2_IH-5FQuestionnaire-5F2009.doc&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=F6KCls1GnwPyxy1vRyigPZLqrI5CsQvfi4cjf56pZdc&s=YmeQamrmTO7ApxQ6jWwKtHY83Nlj2_N7UnNL95gLZUQ&e=>
Index Herbariorum Registration Form Example<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sciweb.nybg.org_science2_IH-5FQuestionnaire-5F2009-5Fexample.doc&d=DwIFAg&c=cjytLXgP8ixuoHflwc-poQ&r=LpYc_Z_iN1KRw0hheb3x6-8MJUMu482qfHowpGYJqwc&m=F6KCls1GnwPyxy1vRyigPZLqrI5CsQvfi4cjf56pZdc&s=hbkbYNQ0EjmXKaWumKc99qnzAV-g6pIQ2WeCFfXe5Vo&e=>

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