[Nhcoll-l] Question from Nicole VanderMeer

Peter Rauch peterar at berkeley.edu
Thu Mar 22 19:40:12 EDT 2018

Is something like this considered a "historical photograph" (perhaps not
before 1930, and perhaps not H. auropunctatus)?

Or maybe this supplier, with "period pieces"?

Google searching for "photos of stuffed mongoose" and similar phrasing
might produce leads?


On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 12:37 PM, McLaren, Suzanne <McLarenS at carnegiemnh.org
> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I recently received the message below via our web portal.  I was not able
> to assist Nicole directly but promised that I would forward her inquiry to
> the list, because I suspect someone out there has a small Indian mongoose
> and can help her.   Please respond directly to Nicole – contact information
> at the bottom of her message:
> My name is Nicole VanderMeer, and I am a third-year PhD student in the
> history department at UC Santa Cruz in California. My dissertation project
> is focused on the history of the introduction of the small Indian mongoose
> (Herpestes auropunctatus) into a wide variety of ecosystems between the
> 1870s and the 1930s within the context of British and American imperialism.
> Beyond the ecological decision-making and consequences of the mongoose’s
> introduction, I am engaging in analysis of the broader cultural, political,
> scientific, social, and visual dynamics of species acclimatization efforts
> during this period.
> In working on this project, I have come to the peculiar requirement of a
> taxidermied specimen, and I am hoping you might be able to direct me to
> one, or at least a photographic representation of one. That is to say, I am
> hoping to find either a taxidermied small Indian mongoose from before 1930,
> or, a historical photograph of such a specimen.
> This would be of enormous benefit to my research, and I would be immensely
> grateful if you could help me in tracking one down. I have had no luck thus
> far. Of course, I would credit both you and your institution in the
> project, and I would happily provide you a copy of the final book.
> Please let me know how and where I might find such a specimen.
> Thank you in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Best wishes,
> Nicole VanderMeer
> nvanderm at ucsc.edu
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