[Nhcoll-l] Words and things

Prondzinski, Mary Beth mbprondzinski at ua.edu
Wed Nov 14 09:41:19 EST 2018

Vitalogy...not to be confused with the Pearl Jam albm.

From: Nhcoll-l [mailto:nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu] On Behalf Of Callomon,Paul
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2018 8:28 AM
To: NH-COLL listserv (nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu)
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Words and things


I am hunting around for a word that describes the time-neutral study of life on Earth. "Paleontology" and "Biology" are both time-specific (the former explicitly, the latter by usage) and "integrated biology" is not clear. Is there a word that means "the study of life regardless of time"?

Paul Callomon
Collection Manager, Malacology and General Invertebrates
Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Philadelphia
1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia PA 19103-1195, USA
callomon at ansp.org<mailto:callomon at ansp.org> Tel 215-405-5096 - Fax 215-299-1170

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