[Nhcoll-l] Website benchmarking data

Howe, Michael P.A. mhowe at bgs.ac.uk
Fri Apr 26 06:42:15 EDT 2019

Dear All,

Visits to the Jisc funded  GB3D Type Fossil Online database website - http://www.3d-fossils.ac.uk/  - have grown consistently since the site was launched in 2013 (see below). GB3D is a database of British fossil species type specimens held in British collections, and is used by both academics and the public. It is noted for its high resolution images and stereo pairs (anaglyphs), and also for over 2000 downloadable 3d digital fossil models. It is a particularly image and metadata rich database.

I am trying to find some similar collections database website statistics to benchmark against. Can anyone help, or point me to any publically available statistics?

Many thanks,

GB3D website statistics
Year            Visits              Av pages/visit
2014     36,339            3.94
2015     41,877            6.79
2016     69,402            5.79
2017     97,377            3.86
2018     127,986          5.64

Dr Mike Howe
Chief Curator
Head of the National Geological Repository

Phone: 0115 9363105  Email: mhowe at bgs.ac.uk
Web: http://www.bgs.ac.uk/staff/profiles/3858.html
WSB UGN  - British Geological Survey
Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG

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