[Nhcoll-l] Enter the 2019 AIBS Faces of Biology Photo Contest

Jyotsna Pandey jpandey at aibs.org
Fri Aug 16 10:29:46 EDT 2019

Enter the Faces of Biology Photo Contest for your chance to win $250 and to
have your photo appear on the cover of the journal *BioScience*.

The competition, sponsored by the American Institute of Biological Sciences
(AIBS), recognizes scientists who use imagery to communicate aspects of
biological research to the public and policymakers.

The theme of the contest is “Faces of Biology.” Photographs entered into
the competition must depict a person, such as a scientist, researcher,
technician, collections curator, or student, engaging in biological
research. The research may occur outside, in a lab, with a natural history
collection, at a field station, on a computer, in a classroom, or anywhere
else research is done.

The First Place Winner will have his/her winning photo featured on the
cover of *BioScience* and will receive $250 along with a one-year
membership in AIBS, including a subscription to *BioScience*. The Second
and Third Place Winners will have his/her winning photo printed inside the
journal and will receive a one-year membership in AIBS, including a
subscription to *BioScience*.

The winning photo from the 2018 contest was featured on the cover of the
May 2019 issue <https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/issue/69/5> of

Submissions must be received by 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Time on September 30,

For more information or to enter the contest, visit

Jyotsna Pandey, Ph.D.
Public Policy Manager
American Institute of Biological Sciences
1201 New York Avenue, NW
Suite 420
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: 202-628-1500 x 225
Follow us on Twitter! @AIBS_Policy

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