[Nhcoll-l] CETAF E-SCORE Award for Excellence in Research Based on Natural Science Collections - First Edition 2020

karsten.goedderz at cetaf.org karsten.goedderz at cetaf.org
Thu Dec 19 07:33:21 EST 2019

Dear all,


CETAF is launching a new initiative to reward early-career researchers, within the fields of taxonomy, biodiversity and geodiversity science, who base their research on natural science collections. E-SCORE - Excellence in Scientific Collections-based Research, is a celebration of the new generation of scientists who have shown dedication to the use of collections that help document, describe and understand life on earth, and the processes that have shaped it. The award also celebrates the United Nations endorsed International Day for Biological Diversity, which falls annually on the 22nd of May to commemorate the 1992 adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity. CETAF will award E-SCORE for the first time in 2020 to mark the end of the UN International Decade of Biodiversity.

The foundations of E-SCORE are the natural-scientific collections that are hosted, preserved and curated in research organisations across the European Community and in associated countries with CETAF member institutions. The research staff of these institutions explore and document diversity in nature. The knowledge they collectively build provides a foundation on which policies and initiatives for nature conservation and the protection of natural resources are based. By awarding E-SCORE, CETAF wishes to highlight the significance of collections-based research in the fight against biodiversity loss and climate change.


The prize will be given annually and consists of three parts: 

*	A cash prize of 1,000 €;
*	Financial support (up to 1,000 €) to facilitate a scientific visit of the Award Winner to one of the CETAF institutes <https://cetaf.org/members/cetaf-members> ;
*	An invitation to the next CETAF Governing Board meeting for a (virtual) presentation of the winning research.

For more information, including eligibility criteria and the application form, go to the CETAF website <https://cetaf.org/news/cetaf-e-score-award-excellence-research-based-natural-science-collections-first-edition-2020> .

Please spread this announcement widely in your networks and encourage all deserving young researchers to participate!



Karsten Gödderz

Project Coordinator


+32 (0) 2 627 42 50

 <mailto:karsten.goedderz at cetaf.org> karsten.goedderz at cetaf.org



c/o Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences

rue Vautier, 29 1000, Brussels. Belgium

 <http://www.cetaf.org/> www.cetaf.org


Exploring and documenting diversity in nature

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Be green, read on screen!


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