[Nhcoll-l] where to buy insect unit trays?

Dawn Williams dawn.williams at nhm.uio.no
Fri Jan 4 05:05:54 EST 2019

Dear all,

We have come across a bit of a problem here at the entomology department in Oslo. We are running out of unit trays and the company we purchased them from some 10 years ago has gone out of business. We currently have unit trays made out of acid free paperboard with plastazote (or something similar) glued to the bottom for sticking insect pins into. We are however open to the idea of exploring other materials. So I ask of you my fellow entomologists, what kind of system for unit trays do you have and where have you bought them from? Our insect drawers are 400X500 mm and I expect we might need to order custom sized trays.



Dawn Williams
Collection Technician, Entomology Department

Post address
Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
Postboks 1172 Blindern 0318 OSLO
Visiting address
Sars Gate 1, 0562 Oslo

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