[Nhcoll-l] CAN WE HELP?

bayshark at exemail.com.au bayshark at exemail.com.au
Thu Jan 17 16:58:39 EST 2019

Dear list members,

Moving the museum in Hungary is a horrible idea without further allocated
funds. Since the museum is a TAF in SYNTHESYS+ for example and also
involved in DiSSCo it would mean that collection visits wouldn't happen,
specimens wouldn't be digitized and would be totally cut off from science
for the time of the move. The collections and the museum was already kicked
out of the building a few years ago as this was also discussed earlier in
Taxacom. Moving the museum to the countryside in the middle of nowhere
where visitors and scientist can't access the collections would be also a
drawback not to mention the specimens destroyed in the move. However this
could be minimized with the aid of special equipment but that would require
special allocated funds and I doubt that this would be available.

I think you can also ask the aid of SYNTHESYS+ as a member or at least try
to postpone the time of the move if it comes to that. I bet that my
colleagues in Finland would support a statement, which is about protecting
natural heritage and valuable specimens. As well as most TAXACOM members.


2019. jan. 17., Cs 13:56 dátummal Mary Barkworth <Mary.Barkworth at usu.edu>
ezt írta:

>  Would it help also to  know how many people visit large natural history
> museums in big cities - and so discuss the money spent, not just in the
> museum but in the businesses round about? Perhaps there are some numbers
> coming from impact of the US govt shutdown?
> Mary
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Taxacom <taxacom-bounces at mailman.nhm.ku.edu> On Behalf Of Barna
> Páll-Gergely
> Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2019 4:48 AM
> To: taxacom at mailman.nhm.ku.edu
> Subject: [Taxacom] Translocation of an entire natural history museum
> Dear Colleagues,
> Probably most of you have not heard yet that the Hungarian government is
> planning to translocate the Hungarian Natural History Museum (HNHM) from
> the capital to the eastern part of the country.
> Funded 220 years ago, the HNHM is one of the most important institutes in
> biodiversity research and taxonomy in Central Europe. We are keeping 10-12
> millions of artefacts, including more than one hundred thousand type
> specimens of almost fifty thousand taxa (mostly insects).
> If we have to move, most of the staff have to quit (very few colleagues
> seem to be ready to leave the capital for a small town in the eastern part
> of the country) and find a new job, therefore, most of the collections
> remain without experienced staff at the time of packing, transportation
> unpacking and even later.
> We fear that this poses a great danger to the priceless collections, and
> try to find as many arguments and support against this plan as possible.
> Maybe it helps if we can present foreign examples to decision makers
> - what happened to such a collection in similar cases (i.e. when an entire
> natural history museum moved to a distance of 2-300 km (not within the
> city or area)?
> - how long did the preparation phase take before moving?
> - how much extra personnel was necessary for the preparation?
> - how many artefacts were damaged?
> - what are the most important factors that slow down such a process
> significantly?
> also, we would be grateful for published case studies what sort of damages
> resulted in cases when a collection remained without care for a longer
> period.
> Thank you for your help, comments and advice
> Zoltán Fehér, Dávid Murányi & Barna Páll-Gergely
> --
> MTA Premium Post Doctorate Researcher
> Plant Protection Institute
> Centre for Agricultural Research
> Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA)
> Herman Ottó Street 15,
> Budapest, H-1022, Hungary
> Tel: +36304673580
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> Nurturing nuance while assaulting ambiguity for 32 some years, 1987-2019.
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Nurturing nuance while assaulting ambiguity for 32 some years, 1987-2019.

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