[Nhcoll-l] New SPNHC Sessional Committees

Thiers, Barbara bthiers at nybg.org
Tue Jul 23 10:57:49 EDT 2019

As SPNHC President, I am appointing three sessional committees for the next year, as described below.  If you are a SPNHC member in good standing and would like to serve on one of these committees, please contact the chair.  The committees will meet virtually during the year, through email, SPNHC's new Slack feature, or through video conference, with an-person meeting at the Edinburgh conference next June.

Education Committee

 Chair:  Anna Monfils


  *         Review SPNHC's contributions to education, both formal, informal and    workforce training; identify gaps
  *         Affirm the current committee structures and charges for EPG and Professional Development, and propose a modified structure, if the committee thinks this is warranted
  *         Propose short term and long term goals for SPNHC's educational mission

Collection Theft and Security Monitoring of Collections

 Chair:  Paul Mayer and Rob Zschernitz


  *         Plan a session on the subject for the Edinburgh conference
  *         Determine the best strategy for SPNHC members to share information about potential threats
  *         Develop a resource page for the website about collections security issues - there were a variety of suggestions of online monitoring tools at the SIG in Chicago that could be shared, for example
  *         Propose short and long term goals for involvement in this topic, if warranted

Collections and the Biodiversity Crisis

 Chair:  Libby Elwood


  *         Consider what, if anything, SPNHC should do to raise the profile of collections in mitigating biodiversity loss, both scientific and public awareness aspects; make recommendations for activities that could accomplish this.
  *         Propose strategies to help collections highlight their own efforts in this area
  *         Propose short and long term goals for involvement in this topic, if warranted

Dr. Barbara M. Thiers
Vice President
Patricia K. Holmgren Director of the William and Lynda Steere Herbarium
Curator of Bryophytes
Editor, Index Herbariorum
President, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
New York Botanical Garden
Bronx, NY 10458-5126
bthiers at nybg.org<mailto:bthiers at nybg.org>

The World's Herbaria 2017<http://sweetgum.nybg.org/science/docs/The_Worlds_Herbaria_2017_5_Jan_2018.pdf>  (second Index Herbariorum annual report)
Index Herbariorum Registration Form<http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/IH_Questionnaire_2009.doc>
Index Herbariorum Registration Form Example<http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/IH_Questionnaire_2009_example.doc>

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