[Nhcoll-l] 'Tahemaa Transformed' Crowd-funding project

Bethany Palumbo bethanypalumbo at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 09:22:12 EDT 2019

Dear all,

Apologies for cross-posting.

This summer the Bournemouth Natural Science Society (BNSS) is crowd-funding
for the conservation and redisplay of their mummy Tahemma and all of the
Egyptology collections. The project is called ‘Tahemaa Transformed’ and the
funding aims to provide the collections with specialist conservation
treatment, new high-quality displays and revised interpretation, making
these amazing collections more accessible and appealing to visitors.

For this funding effort, we are using the Gofundme platform and have
already received many kind donations from the general public. While this is
very much appreciated, we really want to find some bigger UK funding bodies
that we can apply to, funders who might have any interest in this type of
project and/or collection. Can anyone offer advice or suggestions on who we
could approach? Societies or individuals, in or outside of the museum
field. We are looking for between 1k-25k. Perhaps societies with an
interest in archaeology or Egyptology or both!

Any assistance and guidance would be very much appreciated.

I look forward to hearing from you,

With many thanks,

Bethany Palumbo, ACR

bethanypalumbo at gmail.com

For anyone interested in learning more about this project please go to
www.tahemaa.com for the gofundme page or www.bnss.org.uk for the
Bournemouth Natural Science Society homepage. We were also joined by the
Objectivity Youtube channel a few weeks ago who made a movie all about
Tahemaa, please like and share if you do! (
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