[Nhcoll-l] Precautions for shipments to the UK / Brexit

Dirk Neumann neumann at snsb.de
Fri Mar 29 13:33:11 EDT 2019

Dear all,

kind of sad email but maybe worth thinking of (after receiving a 
respective notification of DHL express earlier this week):

Even though the UK has not left the EU today (as originally planned) and 
because of today's vote in the UK Parliament, the UK may be required to 
leave the EU on 12th of April without any signed agreement. Unless there 
is fixed agreement, Britain likely has to be treated as third country by 
the EU with subject to full border and customs controls, /which could 
create backlogs at channel crossings as extra paperwork would need to be 
processed./ At the moment, many parcel companies are preparing to handle 
delays, delayed clearance of shipments to / from the UK, additional 
controls and border checks, which may lead to additional handling fees 
or charges (e.g. customs).

see also: 

FedEx offers information here:



UPS offers information here:


As said, the entire situation is sad enough and I do not intend to be 
over-alarming, but it might be worth have an observant eye on what is 
going on if you have/expect parcels for/from the island. As far as I 
know, only UPS operates an international air hub in the UK (EMA East 
Midlands; DHL express has a regional air hub there), and UPS surely will 
redirect US-bound flights to Cologne, but it is not unlikely that 
shipments to and from the island will be effected, so please keep 
yourself updated.

Let's hope for the best, maybe the UK has to participate in the 
elections for the EU Parliament, and perhaps everything stays as it is 
(hopefully - but less likely).

Dirk Neumann

co-chair SPNHC Legs & Regs committee

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