[Nhcoll-l] Request for building design & standards for Digitisation Labs

Fisher, Nicole (NCMI, Black Mountain) Nicole.Fisher at csiro.au
Wed May 22 02:44:42 EDT 2019

Hi Nhcoll,

I'm interested in knowing if anyone has guidelines or standards when it comes to the actually building and design of a New Digitisation Lab.
What are the Lighting conditions (internal), Vibration controls, Material and Paint or Fixtures ?? that is required or deemed necessary in the design of a new building for the digitisation space.
If anyone knows or can point me in the direction of new room design (not equipment) requirements for modern digitisation labs, I'd be grateful.

I can be emailed directly at the address listed below.

Many thanks,

Nicole Fisher
Digital Collections and Informatics
National Research Collections Australia (NRCA)

E nicole.fisher at csiro.au<mailto:nicole.fisher at csiro.au> T +61 2 6246 4261 M +61 (0) 475 972 827
Address : GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia

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