[Nhcoll-l] Collections Lit Club

Rincon Rodriguez,Laura rinconrodriguezl at ufl.edu
Thu Aug 27 11:31:43 EDT 2020

Hello everybody! Hola a todos!

Thank you so much for participating in our Collections Lit Club launch day. I appreciate your support with my new initiative and we hope that you all enjoyed as well.

I decided to move my blog into a collaborative community platform with WeAreMuseums. This is the link of our club: https://community.wearemuseums.com/groups/2945546?utm_source=manual  Please feel free to join our Collections Lit Club circle and you will receive all the notifications for the upcoming meetups. Also, If you could not attend to the first meetup, the recording will be available on our circle .      .

If you did attend, please fill out the following survey to let us know how we can keep improving: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=-KBNDTFKdk2s5gpiMx4bhFKSNlC0P5tPorlBWK9ZE75UQzJHWlJaNjBLUFA0Q1I3RDRMSDFNRlZBSS4u We are eager to incorporate your comments and feedback to make our upcoming meetups even better!

If you didn't participate but you would like to discuss a specific article, chapter, manifesto etc about collections. Please don't hesitate and feel free to reach me out.

Thank you and keep an eye out for our next event!


Laura Rincón and John Simmons

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