[Nhcoll-l] Report on the Economic Analyses of Scientific Collections

Schindel, David schindeld at si.edu
Tue Dec 15 10:19:56 EST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

I’m writing to let you know that an advisory report to the Interagency Working Group on Scientific Collections (IWGSC) has been released and is now available for download.  “Economic Analyses of Federal Scientific Collections: Methods for Documenting Costs and Benefits<https://iwgsc.nal.usda.gov/economic-analyses-federal-scientific-collections>” was produced by an Economic Study Group of federal researchers, economists, collections professionals and budget/policy specialists.

The following resources will introduce you to the report.  Please feel free to download them and share them with colleagues.  They are:

  *   A brief recorded introduction<https://figshare.com/s/f68668786d2b9bb3d035> to the report, and
  *   A presentation slide deck<https://iwgsc.nal.usda.gov/sites/default/files/EconomicStudyReport30Nov20.pdf>.

The Economic Study Group focused on collections owned, operated and/or supported by Federal agencies, and the methods presented in the report are accompanied by examples from Federal collections.  Nevertheless, the need to document costs and benefits is shared by non-governmental collections in all countries.  The methods described in the report may prove useful to many of them.

If you are interested in receiving future notices about follow-on discussions and presentations associated with the report, please send an expression of interest by return email.

Thanks for your interest in this work.  I look forward to the discussions generated by the report.

Best regards, happy holidays and stay safe,


David E. Schindel, Research Associate

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

schindeld at si.edu<mailto:schindeld at si.edu>

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