[Nhcoll-l] Call for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility Task Force Members & more! ARCS Update Vol 5 | Update 11

ARCS info at arcsinfo.org
Mon Jul 13 21:00:00 EDT 2020

***Call for ARCS Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Task
Force Members***
ARCS desires to create and nurture a culture of inclusion to ensure the
ARCS community reflects the diverse identities and experiences of its
members. The charge of the new Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and
Accessibility (IDEA) Task Force is to examine and broaden representation of

Tasks and activities include, but are not limited to:
-Explore and define ARCS mission to promote diversity, inclusion, and
-Identify policies and procedures in cultivating and retaining a diverse
-Identifying funding sources to help in the promotion of diverse membership
and allow for accessibility.

Please nominate a colleague, regardless of ARCS membership status, who you
believe would be an energetic, knowledgeable, and engaged part of our
active discussion. Self-nominations are encouraged.

Send contact information, a resume, and a statement of interest from the
nominee to the Nominations Committee via the Vice President at
vicepresident at arcsinfo.org using “ARCS IDEA TASK FORCE” as the subject
line. Deadline for recommendations is July 31, 2020.

***#ARCSchat July 10, 2020 Recap***
#ARCSchat returned July 10, 2020 for one more episode before a brief summer
hiatus. Join us as we recap the events of this past year and introduce our
new ARCS leadership, President Toni Kiser and Vice president Samantha


Is your institution or collections planning to or already opened back up to
the public? If so, share some stories (and pictures if possible!) on your
instagram or twitter accounts tagging @arcs4all and using the
#backtocollections hashtag!

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