[Nhcoll-l] Pest control q- Shiny Spider Beetles

Nicole Neu-Yagle prandiraptor at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 13:40:53 EDT 2020


I am curious if any other collections have experienced the presence of the
pest colloquially known as the ‘shiny spider beetle’ (genus *Gibbium*), and
if so, how they have been managed and if it was successful or not.

It has been suggested to us by Terminix that these beetles are coming from
our drains, which may be true as we have only witnessed and caught the
adult forms of this creature, with no specific concentrated source. The
general recommendation that I’ve received so far, for eradication of spider
beetles, is to remove the food source. But in this case I do not know if
this will be possible. We have tried one soapy flush of our drains but it
has not made a very noticeable impact.


Nicole Neu-Yagle
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