[Nhcoll-l] Collections Lit Club- Link of our meetup

Rincon Rodriguez,Laura rinconrodriguezl at ufl.edu
Tue Oct 27 16:44:47 EDT 2020

Hello everybody!

On September 29th, 2020, We had an engaging conversation between natural history and history museums about the article "Clean house to survive? Museums confront their crowded basements " by Robin Pogrebin in 2019. Hosted by Laura Rincón and Dieuwertje Wijsmuller.

We started our meetup with an ice breaker activity: If you were an object/specimen what would you like to be?
If I were a specimen, I would like to be a cleared and stained fish...those are gorgeous! and you?

Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzr02rarFDk&t=1s

You are welcome to leave your comments, advice or thoughts in my Collections lit club<https://community.wearemuseums.com/>.

Laura Rincón
UF Museum Studies grad student
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