[Nhcoll-l] Northeast Natural History & Supply: Museum cabinets, shelving units, and ohter equipment

Jay R Cordeiro Jay.Cordeiro at umb.edu
Thu Sep 3 18:48:14 EDT 2020

Hi, Lennart,

Northeast Natural History & Supply offers 100% archival specimen boxes that are custom-manufactured, rigid, unbuffered, and acid-free with neutral pH.  They come pre-assembled (not flat and self-folding), overwrapped, and are constructed of glazed white corrugated cardboard.  Trays align neatly in straight rows to facilitate long-term storage and preservation.  Trays can be lined with plastazote or ethafoam, unbleached cotton, or polyester batting for use with delicate specimens.  Lids are optionally available for better protection from ambient environment damage and use in layered storage.

Manufacturing capability includes virtually ANY SIZE you want including matching the existing size dimensions of boxes you already have.  Contact information for samples or quotes is below.

ps. We also offer Cornell, Cal Academy and NMNH cabinet drawers


Jay Cordeiro

Northeast Natural History & Supply

PO Box 361

West Dennis, MA 02670

j.cordeiro at nenaturalhistory.com

From: Nhcoll-l <nhcoll-l-bounces at mailman.yale.edu> on behalf of Lennart Lennuk <Lennart.Lennuk at loodusmuuseum.ee>
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 10:59 AM
To: nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu <nhcoll-l at mailman.yale.edu>
Subject: [Nhcoll-l] Museum cabinets, shelving units, and ohter equipment


Dear curators,

I am planning museum cabinets, shelving units, and ohter equipment.

Please, can you suggest a good source in internet.

I found that to be quite helpful:


Has anybody have some lately experience on planning storage for bones and horns collection?

Best regards!

Lennart Lennuk

Head of zoology

Estonian Museum of Natural History

+372 6603404, 56569916

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