[Nhcoll-l] FW: AIC - Announcement to SPNHC

Julian Carter Julian.Carter at museumwales.ac.uk
Tue Apr 27 10:18:58 EDT 2021

News and updates on the 2021 AIC/SPNHC Virtual Annual Meeting:

May 3 - June 24 via Zoom webinars

We are pleased to announce that the AIC Annual Meeting's "Mistakes" session will return to the 2021 AIC/SPNHC Joint Virtual Annual Meeting for its fourth year. The event will take place on Friday, May 21st, from 3:00 - 5:30 pm EST.

For the past few years, AIC meeting attendees have come together over a casual lunch or cocktail hour to share their mistakes and learn from one another - with the larger goal of building a healthier professional culture that empowers us to speak openly about our failures. We invite our SPNHC colleagues to join us this year, and encourage you to consider presenting. As in past sessions, it's sure to be fun, sad, educational, hilarious, and sobering all at once!

We welcome a variety of topics, including handling or packing accidents, miscommunications, and project management mishaps, as well as mistakes relating to more systemic issues such as gender inequity or racism. Past topics have included:
-       Unrecognized personal bias leads to data misinterpretation... and the need to retract the results of a published technical study
-       An over-crowded workbench + a distracted conservator =  broken ceramic
-       Lessons learned from failing to report an incident of sexual harassment
-       When storage shelves and photography equipment attack the art!
-       The ramifications of our tendency to overuse the word "sorry" - plus some alternative language to consider
-       A tale of gross mis-estimation of costs for a condition survey project

To get a sense of how the session works, we invite you to view the presentations from our 2020 virtual session<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furldefense.proofpoint.com%2Fv2%2Furl%3Fu%3Dhttps-3A__www.youtube.com_watch-3Fv-3D-5Fjl2IAjh-2DrA%26d%3DDwMFaQ%26c%3DWO-RGvefibhHBZq3fL85hQ%26r%3DIK7lQ6rbgLQGEdSf_0ge6Z89DbgBp3B9Sxh7bPFe5hg%26m%3DkSJdfPFus8MAZO1tW7AgBejOrRx1IruOdb92HyCHfKg%26s%3D8zS9gR7cBuvTwYZntm6xC4YnHG1gJX5Cx5LpJ5Y320Q%26e%3D&data=04%7C01%7Cmariana.digiacomo%40yale.edu%7C49452998003242a1d07508d9084c4fc5%7Cdd8cbebb21394df8b4114e3e87abeb5c%7C0%7C0%7C637549946131195671%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=%2FYENSNCg8eRWUyFjEVKP85cTtWJFsqmRJKdY4eSXkn4%3D&reserved=0>, publicly available on YouTube.

Please consider sharing your stories by submitting a very brief (2-3 sentence) summary of your proposed topic to Tony Sigel (tony_sigel at harvard.edu<mailto:tony_sigel at harvard.edu>), Rebecca Gridley (rebecca.ec.gridley at gmail.com<mailto:rebecca.ec.gridley at gmail.com>), or Kari Rayner (rayner.kari.s at gmail.com<mailto:rayner.kari.s at gmail.com>) by April 30th. Presentations should be 8 minutes maximum in length; PowerPoints are welcome, but certainly not required. Please note that we will make the presentations available on YouTube but can accommodate requests to remove those for presenters with privacy concerns or permissions issues.

The  dedicated conference site<https://learning.culturalheritage.org/aic2021> for our joint 2021 virtual meeting is now live. Through this site, you will be able to access live and recorded sessions, view the virtual expo hall, get answers to your technical questions, and view the poster sessions - to name just a few activities! SPNHC-focused content can also be checked out at https://learning.culturalheritage.org/aic2021-spnhc-guide. There is still time to register, and currently more than 1,600 attendees will be joining us from around the world.

Rydym yn croesawu gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg a Saesneg, ac yn sicrhau y byddwn yn cyfathrebu â chi yn eich iaith ddewisol, boed yn Gymraeg, Saesneg neu’r ddwy, dim ond i chi ein hysbysu. Ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn peri oedi.
Mae pob neges e-bost a anfonir at neu gan Amgueddfa Cymru yn cael ei 
sganio gan systemau diogelwch awtomatig. Sganiwyd y neges hon am firysau cyn ei hanfon, ond dylech hefyd wirio bod y neges, a phob atodiad ynddi, yn rhydd o firysau cyn ei defnyddio. Nid ydym yn derbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw golled neu ddifrod o ganlyniad i agor y neges neu unrhyw atodiadau. Gall y neges hon ac unrhyw ffeiliau a atodir ynddi gynnwys gwybodaeth gyfrinachol a fwriadwyd ar gyfer y derbynnydd yn unig. Os ydych chi wedi derbyn y neges trwy gamgymeriad, hysbyswch ni a dileu’r neges. Safbwyntiau personol yr awdur a fynegir yn y neges hon, ac nid ydynt o reidrwydd yn cynrychioli safbwyntiau Amgueddfa Cymru. Nid ydym yn derbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw wallau, llygredd neu esgeulustod a allai godi wrth drosglwyddo'r neges hon.

We welcome correspondence in Welsh and English, and we will ensure that we communicate with you in the language of your choice, whether that’s English, Welsh or both if you let us know which you prefer. Corresponding in Welsh will not lead to any delay.
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